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The Alumnae Board’s Strategic Project Team for Post-Graduate Success announces the 2023-2024 Alumnae-to-Alumnae Speaker Series, featuring topics specially designed for alumnae in young adulthood, mid-career, and retirement years.
Co-chairs Laura McCrary Hurban ’81 and Jasmine Adams ’07 lead a committee of Alumnae Board members charged with cultivating an empowered and connected alumnae network that enriches the lives and careers of Scotties across generations and geographies. The first phase of their work, initiated by Jasmine and her team with pilot presentations in 2021-2022, focused on Zoom meetings for our GOLD alumnae (graduates of the last decade), featuring topics including salary negotiation, financial literacy, networking strategies and other topics pertinent to young adulthood.
In 2022-2023, the project team expanded its reach to alumnae in or near retirement, the age group 55 and older. This pilot series shared post-retirement financial issues, estate concerns, and physical and mental well-being.
Alumnae practicing or retired from law, finance and medicine volunteered as subject matter experts, delivering relevant presentations to select classes. Elder law attorney Sarah Garland St. Onge '87 spoke about Trusts, Wills and Estates, and Long-Term Care Planning. Financial planner Anne Luke Boozer '83 focused on financial issues, including retirement investments and spending. Rachel Donnelly '01, founder of AfterLight (formerly Black Dress Consultants), spoke about digital estates and how to ensure accounts are protected. The final pilot event was a well-being panel, open to all alumnae ages 55+, with obstetrician/gynecologist Ann Marie Raffo '85, rheumatologist Hays Wilson P'20 and grief counselor Zeena Regis '02.
Recordings of three of these presentations are now available to view online; the well-being panel was not recorded to protect more personal questions. The presentations are meant for informational purposes only based on laws and practices in place at the time the presentations are given and are no substitute for consulting your attorney, financial planner or medical team.
Co-chair Laura Hurban ’81 is excited about plans to expand into topics focused on the mid-career years. “I truly believe that the materials are relevant for alumnae of all ages,” she said. “I wish I had known more about long-term financial and estate planning in my 30s.”
In 2023-2024, the Strategic Project Team for Post-Graduate Success will focus on continuing the delivery of relevant content and education to all alumnae. Whether you are in your 20s, 40s, 60s or beyond, the team is preparing alumnae-to-alumnae sessions of interest to you. Stay tuned for invitations as sessions for every alumna of every age are scheduled.
Early topics for GOLD alumnae include entrepreneurship and budgeting, planning and investing. Topics for the mid-career pilot may include recovering from a divorce, preparing for retirement, career transitions and “sandwich caretaking.” Plans for the retirement-age group may include estate planning, retirement and the future, and medical planning. If you are interested in being a speaker, please contact Mary Rinaldi Winn, senior director of alumnae relations, at