Research Projects in Mathematics
- 2024 — Cleo Kleinfelter (Alan Koch)
- Remainder patterns in Fibonacci-like sequences
- 2024 — Sage Pasquale (Alan Koch)
- The Importance of Secondary Sex Characteristics: A Game Theory Analysis
- 2023 — Edie Irwin, Ayechan Moe (Alan Koch)
- Complete residue systems in recursively defined sequences
- 2022 — Sami Aurin, Fatima Mohamed, Sophia Pu (Alan Koch)
- Complete residue systems in the Lucas sequence
- 2021 — Deliiah Freeman, Grace Krahm (Alan Koch)
- The Search for Integer Boxes
- 2020 — Morgan Gallaher, Yunfan Guan, Skye Yang (Alan Koch)
- The Chicken McNugget problem
- 2020 — Laura Stordy (Alan Koch)
- Fixed-point-free abelian endomorphisms and the Yang-Baxter equation
- 2019 — Chelsea Funk (Alan Koch)
- An examination of recursive sequences modulo p
- 2019 — Audrey Goodnight and Laura Stordy (Alan Koch)
- Braces and the Yang-Baxter equation
- 2018 — Audrey Goodnight and Laura Stordy (Alan Koch)
- Braces and their opposites
- 2018 — Huiming Zhang (Alan Koch and Lock Rogers)
- Why are peacocks' tails as long as they are?
- 2018 — Laura Stordy and Audrey Goodnight (Alan Koch)
- Sink your teeth into algebra: left braces on 2p Elements!
- 2017 — Katy Brooke, Chelsea Funk, Audrey Goodnight, Huiming Zhang (Alan Koch)
- An examination of the cyclic nature of last digits in recurrence relations
- 2017 — Emily Bryans (Alan Koch and Lock Rogers)
- The dating game: mathematics meliorates mating
- 2017 — Emily Piff (Alan Koch)
- p-adic geometry in two dimensions
- 2017 — Carson Shore
- Comparative analytics and projected savings models in the Center for Sustainability
- 2017 — Estephania Hernandez and Sara Sloman (Rachel Bayless)
- Dynamics, Ecology, and Games. Oh My!
- 2017 — Alexa Chang, Isabelle Eiden, and Alicia Bukowski (Alan Koch)
- The Search for Odd Perfect Numbers
- 2016 — Audrey Goodnight and Kayleigh McCrary (Rachel Bayless)
- Dynamics of cyclic systems
- 2016 — Tecora Lawrence (Alan Koch)
- Brocard's problem, Brown numbers and generalizations
- 2016 — Katy Brooke, Denisse Saucedo, and Cassie Xu (Alan Koch)
- Second-order linear recurrence relations and periodicity
- 2016 — Biru Tang (Alan Koch)
- Recursive sequences mod p2
- 2015 — Albertha Sabree (Alan Koch)
- Order bounded group valuations on GL2(Fp)
- 2013 — Meina Zhou (Alan Koch)
- The longest period of a sequence defined by a second-order linear recursion
- 2013 — Gabrielle O'Brien (Alan Koch)
- Lines with p-adic Valuation
- 2012 — Shan Shan (Alan Koch)
- Periodicity of third-order linear recurrence sequences
- 2011 — Chan Jin (Alan Koch)
- A Class of Commutative Matrices modulo a Prime
- 2010 — Chuya Guo (Alan Koch)
- The Period Function of a Generalized Fibonacci Sequence
- 2009 —Sujin Headrick (Alan Koch)
- Some Regular Subgroups of Sp2
- 2006 — Catherine Crompton (Alan Koch)
- Some Geometry of the p-adic Rationals
- 2004 — Audrey Powers (Alan Koch)
- Order Bounded Group Valuations
- 2002 — Stela Anguelova (Chris Moseley)
- A Study of Differential Geometry and Topology. Proof of the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for Surfaces in R3
- 1999 — Christy Jenkins (Larry Riddle)
- Fractal Tilings in the Plane
- 1998 — Sarah Thieling (Olga Yiparaki)
- Parent-Teacher Conferences: A Scheduling Problem
- 1995 — Karen Shuman (Olga Yiparaki)
- Set Theoretic Topology
- 1994 — Laylage Courie (Dan Waggoner)
- Consistency and Undecidability: Axiomatic Systems and the Foundations of Mathematics
- 1993 — Chen Song (Dan Waggoner)
- A Study of Real Projective Space
- 1993 — Meredith Jolly (Larry Riddle)
- A Study of Chaos: Economic Applications of the Logistic Function
- 1992 — Laura Shaeffer (Robert Leslie)
- A Study of Theory and Topics in Operations Research
- 1990 — Sue Tourville (Dan Waggoner)
- An Investigation of the Cantor Set and Cantor-Like Sets
- 1990 — Marsha Michie (Larry Riddle)
- Behavior of One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems: Chaos and Sarkovskii's Theorem