Alumnae Spotlight

Sijia Li '13
Sijia Li graduated from Agnes Scott in 2013, with a major in Psychology and a minor in Economics. She is originally from Shanghai, China, and currently lives in New York City. She works for PepsiCo as a Talent Management Manager. After Agnes Scott, Sijia earned her MA degree in Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology from the University of West Florida. She believes that the training and practice in critical thinking and the development of her communication skills were the best gift she received during her time at Agnes Scott. She feels that Agnes Scott equipped her with the capability and confidence to form a point of view, share it, and have it heard in professional environments. Agnes Scott also helped her by providing mentoring and guidance with career planning. While at Agnes Scott, Sijia was active both with research and internships. She feels fortunate to have had the opportunity to conduct independent research studies with multiple faculty members while at Agnes Scott and published three of her research papers in the Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research. She also interned at TalentQuest and Development Dimensions International. She felt that these experiences elevated her research capability and problem-solving skills and those skills help her with her current occupation. Her photo was taken while visiting Agnes Scott.