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Diversity and Inclusion Programming

The Gay Johnson McDougall Center for Global Diversity and Inclusion collaborates with groups on campus to provide a variety of programming related to diversity and inclusion.

Special events and programs take place for designated history/heritage months, as well as the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King Commemorative Week of Human Rights and Social Justice. The Think Live Engage intercultural dialogue series seeks to inspire the community to have courageous conversations, explore and connect across our humanity.

Signature Programming

  • Heritage/History Month Celebrations
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. And Coretta Scott King Commemorative Week Of Human Rights And Social Justice
  • Truth Racial Healing and Transformation 
  • Think Live Engage in Courageous Conversations 
  • A Safe Place to Be You

The Elizabeth "Liz" Gilliland Chandler Memorial Fund for Diversity

The Elizabeth "Liz" Gilliland Chandler Memorial Fund for Diversity Programming was established in 2000 by Herschel Elizabeth Jenkins Palmer in memory of her niece, Elizabeth Gilliland Chandler '00. The Memorial Fund promotes diversity awareness and celebrates multifaceted identities and experiences represented within the Agnes Scott community.

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