
Tree Campus USA
From 2012 to present, Agnes Scott College has been annually awarded Tree Campus USA - Higher Education status. The program includes:
- Establishment of a campus tree advisory committee
- Evidence of a campus tree care plan
- Verification of the plan's dedicated annual expenditures
- Observing Arbor Day (Georgia's Arbor Day is in February)
- Creating a service-learning project aimed at engaging the student body

Morton Register of Arboreta - Accredited - Level II
In 2019, the Agnes Scott Arboretum received Level II accreditation from ArbNet. The entire Agnes Scott campus is part of the Arboretum.
The Level II accreditation includes:
- At least 100 species of woody plants (view full inventory of trees)
- Employ paid staff
- Enhance public education programs
- Documented collections
Level I (2013-2019)
- At least 25 species of woody plants
- One or few employees or volunteers
- A governing body
- Arboretum plan

Bee Campus USA
Agnes Scott College was certified as a Bee Campus USA in January 2018. This includes:
- Establish/maintain a Bee Campus USA Committee or Subcommittee
- Develop and maintain a Campus Pollinator Habitat Plan to include a locally native (indigenous to your ecoregion), pollinator-friendly plant list with regional sources for such plants and an integrated pest management (IPM) plan. The plant list and IMP should be publicized and available on the web to offer a valuable landscape-management model applicable to other local landscapes
- Host an annual campus event(s) to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators
- Annually sponsor and track student service-learning
- At least biennially offer a pollinator protection course
- Post signage regarding pollinators
- Maintain a webpage on the institution’s website to share your Bee Campus USA news and activities

GA Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary
The Georgia Audubon’s Wildlife Sanctuary Program “recognizes and encourages property owners to enhance their land for birds and other wildlife. Through planting native plants, removing or controlling non-native, invasive species, and providing food, water, and shelter, property owners can provide critical wildlife habitat and create a safe-haven for wildlife and people.” Agnes Scott College has been working to certify a section of campus south of the Bradley Observatory.
This has included volunteer support to clear invasive species like English ivy, periwinkle, privet, non-native honeysuckle, kudzu, and more. As part of the College’s annual Honor Tree planting, individuals receiving this gift were able to select from a list that would provide food sources for native birds. This list included ‘Autumn Brilliance’ serviceberry, white oak, eastern redbud, and highbush blueberry.
This location will take continuous maintenance to control the invasive species and we have a goal of 2023 to have the location certified.
Want to learn more about volunteering? Find current opportunities here.