Engage with the Arboretum

Campus Arboretum Advisory Committee
Created in 2012, Agnes Scott engages faculty, staff, students and community members through the Campus Arboretum Advisory Committee. This committee meets quarterly to ensure no-net loss of tree canopy, collaborate on engagement opportunities with our broader campus and surrounding communities, and provide education through events, activities and campaigns.
Interested in joining? Email arboretum@agnesscott.edu
The purpose of the Arboretum was approved by the Arboretum Advisory Committee and is as follows: “Agnes Scott College aspires and endeavors to be an excellent steward of the roughly 2000 trees on its beautiful and historic 100-acre campus, in the conviction that trees have both intrinsic worth and irreplaceable value for the humans who live, study, work, and play amid them. As a college, tree-related policies, decisions, and actions can and should always further the educational mission. In keeping with these values, the college commits itself to high standards and best practices in both conservation of and education concerning its campus forest.”
Volunteer with Trees Atlanta
Trees Atlanta is a local non-profit that works to mitigate Atlanta’s tree loss, protect its forests, and increase its tree canopy. Empowered by a community of volunteers, Trees Atlanta serves the metro-Atlanta area and has grown to become one of Atlanta’s most widely known and supported non-profit organizations.
Through Trees Atlanta’s Forest Stewardship Training Program, the Agnes Scott Greenspace (located south of main campus) has seen intentional care and engagement from the campus and broader community. Volunteer opportunities are scheduled on a monthly basis and consist of removing invasive plants such as English ivy, Chinese privet and bamboo with the goal of promoting a healthy plant community and sustainable forest in this special greenspace.
Want to learn more about volunteering? Find current opportunities here.
Are you an Agnes Scott student, faculty or staff? Find current opportunities here on ScottieServe.

A special thanks to Cole Hairston, the Agnes Scott Greenspace Forest Steward. Cole leads a monthly volunteer opportunity to help remove invasives from our forest. We are so appreciative of his leadership and commitment to help foster community through improving our ecosystem. Here is a photo of Cole leading a group of volunteers Fall 2022. (Cole is in the green shirt in the middle.)
Dedicated Trees
Among the younger trees on the Agnes Scott College campus are some that have been planted as memorials and others that honor long-serving members of the staff and faculty.
Established in 2007, People & Culture and the Center for Sustainability offers staff and faculty the option to plant a tree as part of the employee recognition program to honor 25 years of service and additionally every five years after. Our arborist provides a list of trees for our honorees to choose from and then its all about getting the right tree in the right place. Look for the plaques that mark these trees as you tour the arboretum.
- Anne Beidler is Professor of Art at Agnes Scott. Her tree honoring 25 years of service was planted in 2017. Her Fox Red Pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens 'Fox Red') is planted on the north side entrance of Buttrick Hall behind the bench.
- Barbara Blatchley is Professor of Psychology at Agnes Scott. Her tree honoring 25 years of service, a Wildfire blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica 'Wildfire'), was planted in 2015. It is located northeast of the Wellness Center - Hopkins Hall.
- Eileen Cooley is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Agnes Scott. Her tree honoring 25 years of service, a northern red oak (Quercus rubra), was planted in 2013. It is located on Woodruff Quad, in front of McCain Library.
- LaNeta Counts is the Associate Vice President of Technology. Her Arkansas oak (Quercus arkansana) honors her 25 years of service and was planted in 2018 on the north side of Walters Hall in between Evans Dining Hall and the entrance to ITS.
- Christine Cozzens is Charles A. Dana Professor Emeritus of English and Director of The Center for Writing and Speaking. Her tree honoring 25 years of service is a Harvest Moon southern sugar maple (acer saccharum x barbatum ‘Sandersville’), located within the tree lawn of the Presser Parking Lot along South McDonough Street planted in 2012.
- Rosemary Cunningham holds the Hal and Julia T. Smith Chair of Free Enterprise in the Department of Economics at Agnes Scott. Her tree honoring 25 years of service is a Cunningham fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata ’Samurai’), planted in 2014. It is located between the Dana Fine Arts Building and the Bullock Science Center.
- David D’Ambrosio is director of piano studies and accompanying at Agnes Scott. His tree honoring 25 years of service is an American hornbeam, sometimes called ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana). It’s located along the path leading to the steps of Letitia Pate Evans Dining Hall and was planted in 2013.
- Christopher DePree is Professor Emeritus of Astronomy. His Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) was planted in 2021 as part of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary near the Bradley Observatory. His tree honors 25 years of service.
- Jim Diedrick is Professor Emeritus of English. His Bluejack oak (Quercus incana) was planted in 2020 on the northside lawn of Rebekah Scott Hall. His tree honors 25 years of service to the College.
- Misty Dumas-Patterson is the Manager of Faculty Services. Her Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) was planted in 2023 (honoring her 25 years of service as of 2018) between Winship Hall and Alston Campus Center.
- Emily Gwynn is the Academic Technology Manager. In 2019, her Bastard oak (Quercus sinuata), honoring 25 years of service, was planted near the sidewalk between Buttrick and McCain.
- Resa Harney is Systems and Technical Services Librarian at Agnes Scott. Her tree honoring 25 years of service is a ‘White Chapel’ blackgum or tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica ‘White Chapel’). It was planted in 2014 and can be found just within the wall that runs along the front of McCain Library.
- Lilia Harvey is Professor of Chemistry. Her Sand post oak (Quercus margaretta), honoring 25 years of service, was planted in 2019 near the staircase on the east side of Alston.
- Dawn-Marie James is Professor of Music. Her Highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) was planted in 2021 as part of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary near the Bradley Observatory. Her blueberry bush honors 25 years of service.
- Julia Knowlton is Professor of French. Her White oak (Quercus alba) was planted in 2021 as part of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary near the Bradley Observatory. His tree honors 25 years of service.
- Waqas Kwaja is Professor of English. His Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda), honoring 25 years of service, was planted in 2020 in the Presser Quad, in between Presser and Buttrick.
- Myrtle Lewin is Professor Emerita of Mathematics. Her overcup oak (Quercus lyrata) honoring 25 years of service is located due west of Rebekah Hall, near the Rebekah parking lot. It was planted in 2008.
- Rafael Ocasio is Charles A. Dana Professor of Spanish at Agnes Scott. His tree honoring 25 years of service is a Harvest Moon southern sugar maple (Acer saccharum x barbatum ‘Sandersville’) and is located on Woodruff Quad, near the Gazebo. It was planted in 2015.
- Elvis Parris works in the Department of Facilities at Agnes Scott. His tree honoring 25 years of service, planted in 2013, is a Harvest Moon southern sugar maple (Acer saccharum x barbatum ‘Sandersville’). It’s located within the Main Loop, on the walkway leading from the McCain Entrance along College Avenue toward Main Hall.
- John F. Pilger is William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Biology and co-director of Environmental and Sustainability Studies. His tree is is a Harvest Moon southern sugar maple (Acer saccharum x barbatum ‘Sandersville’).
- Tina Pippin is Wallace M. Alston Professor of Bible and Religion at Agnes Scott. Her tree honoring 25 years of service is an ‘Autumn Brilliance’ serviceberry (Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’ PP#5717), planted in 2014. It is located at the northwest corner of Buttrick Hall, near the ramp.
- Larry Riddle is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Agnes Scott. His tree honoring 25 years of service is an American beech (Fagus grandifolia) planted in 2015. It is located on Woodruff Quad, near the Gazebo.
- Vionia Robinson-Lendon works in Dining Services. Her Arkansas Oak (Quercus arkansana), honoring 25 years of service, was planted in 2020 in the Alumnae Garden on the northwest side of the Alumnae House.
- Nell Ruby is Professor of Art. Her Redbud (Cercis canadensis) was planted in 2021 as part of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary at the entrance of the Bradley Observatory. Her tree honors 25 years of service.
- Donna Sadler is Professor Emeritus of Art. Her tree honoring 25 years of service is a ‘Green Mountain’ sugar maple (Acer saccharum ‘Green Mountain’). It was planted in 2011 to the left of the entrance to the Julia Thompson Smith Chapel.
- Willie Tolliver is Professor of English. His White oak (Quercus alba) was planted in 2021 as part of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary near the Bradley Observatory. His tree honors 25 years of service.
- Leon Venable is Professor of Chemistry. His tree honoring 25 years of service is a red maple (Acer rubrum), located across from the Bullock Science Center, along E. Dougherty Street, planted in 2008.
- Valerie Washington works in Dining Services. Her tree honoring 25 years of service is a Harvest Moon Southern Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum x barbatum ‘Sandersville’), located on the northwest side of Evans at the entrance to the Woodruff Quad. It was planted in 2015.
- Demetrice Williams is the Senior Director of Special Events and Community Relations. Her Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) was planted in 2021 as part of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary near the Bradley Observatory. Her tree honors 25 years of service.
- Anne Beidler is Professor of Art at Agnes Scott. Her second tree honoring 30 years of service was planted in 2023. Her Pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens) is planted on the north side entrance of Buttrick Hall adjacent to her tree honoring 25 years of service.
- Barbara Blatchley is Professor of Psychology at Agnes Scott. Her second tree honoring 30 years of service is the Bluejack oak (Quercus incana). Her tree is located in the lower garden of the Chapel. It was planted in 2020.
- Rosemary Cunningham holds the Hal and Julia T. Smith Chair of Free Enterprise in the Department of Economics at Agnes Scott. Her second honor tree, a Legacy sugar maple (Acer saccharum) was planted in 2015 honoring 30 years of service.
- Christine Cozzens is Charles A. Dana Professor Emeritus of English and Director of The Center for Writing and Speaking. Her second tree, a Myrtle oak (Quercus myrtifolia), honoring 30 years of service was planted in 2017 near the stairs between Buttrick and McCain.
- Nathan Grigsby is Professor of Music and Director of Joyful Noise Gospel Choir. His Green Gable tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica) was planted in 2017 honoring 30 years of service. His tree is located on the east end of the Dana Arts Building.
- Ronald Keeton works in the Department of Facilities. His Chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii) honors 30 years of service. It was planted in 2018 on the Main Loop near Inman Hall.
- Sally MacEwen was Professor of Classics. Her tree honoring 30 years of service is a Willow oak (Quercus phellos) cultivar known as Hightower®. This cultivar was selected for its naturally developed central leader, uniform distribution of branches, upswept branches, and dark green leaves turning yellow in autumn. It is located on the Front Lawn midway between Main Hall and McCain Arch.
- Rafael Ocasio is Charles A. Dana Professor of Spanish at Agnes Scott. His second tree, honoring 30 years of service, is a Darlington oak (Quercus hemisphaerica). It was planted in 2019 and is located on the lawn between Rebekah Scott Hall and the Front Loop.
- Elvis Parris works in the Department of Facilities at Agnes Scott. His second tree, a Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda), honors 30 years of service and was planted in 2018. It is located between the Hopkins parking lot and E. College Ave.
- Tina Pippin is Wallace M. Alston Professor of Bible and Religion at Agnes Scott. Her second tree honoring 30 years of service is a Chestnut oak (Quercus prinus). It was planted in 2019 near the Hopkins parking lot.
- Renita Pope worked in Dining Services. Her tree honoring 30 years of service is a Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) located in the eastern section of the Front Lawn, planted in 2008.
- Donna Sadler is Professor Emeritus of Art. In 2016, her second tree, a Jaybird Georgia oak (Quercus georgiana), honoring 30 years of service was planted on the south entrance to the Dana Arts Building.
- Dudley Sanders is Professor Emeritus of Theatre. His tree, planted in 2009 honoring 30 years of service, is a a ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), located to the right of the entrance of the Dana Fine Arts Building.
- Peggy Thompson is Professor Emeritus of English. Her maple (Acer), honoring 30 years of service, was planted in 2015 on the northwest corner of Dana near Presser lot entrance.
- Leon Venable is Professor of Chemistry. In 2013, Leon had a second tree planted in his honor, a white oak (Quercus alba), for 30 years of service at Agnes Scott.
- David P. Behan is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy. His tree honoring 35 years of service is an American elm (Ulmus americana ‘Princeton’) located on Woodruff Quad, near the Gazebo and planted in 2009.
- Gus Cochran Augustus B. Cochran III is Adeline A. Loridans Professor of Political Science and Chair. His tree honoring 35 years of service, located on the north side of Campbell Hall, is a nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii ‘QNMTF’), planted in 2008. This tree is the first known planting of a cultivar from Moon’s Tree Farm selected for its compact habit with dense canopy, vigorous growth rate, burgundy new growth that matures to dark green in summer, and orange-red color in the autumn.
- Nathan Grigsby is Professor of Music and Director of Joyful Noise Gospel Choir. His second tree, the Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda), was planted in 2023 honoring 35 years of service. His tree is located on the northeast side of Presser Hall.
- Betty Hart works in Dining Services. Her tree for 35 years of service is a Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), located just to the right of the entrance to Inman Hall and was planted in 2008.
- Lea Ann Hudson '76 is the Associate Vice President & Secretary of the Board in the Office of the President. Her tree, a Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), honoring 35 years of service was planted in 2016.
- Kathy Kennedy is Charles A. Dana Professor Emeritus of History. Her White oak (Quercus alba) was planted in 2016 honoring 35 years of service. It is located on the front lawn of 213 S. Candler St.
- Leon Venable is Professor of Chemistry. In 2018, Leon had a third tree planted in his honor, a Chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii), for 35 years of service at Agnes Scott. His tree is located on the front lawn near the front entrance to Rebekah Scott Hall.
- Harry Wistrand is Professor Emeritus of Biology. His tree, a red maple (Acer rubrum) planted in 2009, is located just west of the Bullock Science Center and honors 35 years of service.
- Betty Hart works in Dining Services. In 2013, Betty was recognized for 40 years of service to Agnes Scott College. For her second tree, she chose a white oak (Quercus alba) planted at the southeast corner of Inman Hall, within view of Evans Dining Hall.
- Lea Ann Hudson '76 is the Associate Vice President & Secretary of the Board in the Office of the President. Her second honor tree, a Redbud (Cercis canadensis), was planted in 2021 as part of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary at the entrance of the Bradley Observatory. Her tree honors 40 years of service.
- Gus Cochran Augustus B. Cochran III is Adeline A. Loridans Professor of Political Science and Chair. His second tree honoring 45 years of service, an Oglethorpe oak (Quercus oglethorpensis), was planted in 2018 near the northwest entrance to Inman Hall.
- Jan Hester | “In memory of Jan Elaine Hester ‘90 (1968-1990) By friends” Jan Elaine Hester’s tree, a red maple (Acer rubrum), is located on the front lawn, just to the left of the path leading from Main to the McCain Arch at College Avenue.
- Eve F. Finklestein | “In memory of: Eve Finklestein Silver Class of 1948 Given by her loving family Dedicated March 2010” Alumna Eve Finklestein Silver’s tree is a ‘Little Gem’ southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’) and is located in the Chapel Gardens.
- Beverly Wilson | "In memory of Bevery Wilson" Given by her loving family in 2020. Her memorial Maple (Acer) is located on the Woodruff Quad.
- Class of 1965 | “In loving memory of our classmates who are no longer with us, given by the class of 1965 on the occasion of our 50th reunion.” The Class of 1965 Memorial Tree is a ‘Ruby Spring’ nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii ’Ruby Spring’). It was planted in 2015 and is located on Woodruff Quad, along the walkway leading from Buttrick Hall to the breezeway between Main Hall and Rebekah Hall.
- Gail Bell retired in 2015 from Career Planning and in lieu of a gathering, she inquired about a tree planting. Her Maple (Acer) is located in the northwest corner of the Dana Fine Arts Building near Presser parking lot south entrance
- Mary Brown Bullock ‘66 was Agnes Scott’s seventh president. Her tree was given by the college staff in 2005 for her 10 years of service. Her tree is a ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) and is located in front of Agnes Scott Hall, also called Main Hall.
- Karen Gilbert retired in 2020 from the Office of People and Culture. Her Bluejack oak (Quercus incana) is planted on the northeast corner of Campbell on the Science Quad.
- Dudley Hartel was Agnes Scott's arborist for two decades and retired in 2019. In recognition and appreciation of his care for the College's tree canopy, his Bastard white oak (Quercus austrina) is located at the northwest entrance of Inman Hall.
- Susan Kidd '78 retired in 2021 after 14 years of service as the inaugural Executive Director of the Center for Sustainability. Her Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) is located in the Front Loop across from Inman Hall.
- Elizabeth Kiss was Agnes Scott's eighth president. Her tree was given in 2018 by the Class of 2018 for her 12 years of service. Her tree is an Upperton Willow oak (Quercus phellos) and is located at the Scott Sam's House.
- Larry Riddle is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and retired in 2019. His Highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) was planted in 2021 as part of the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary near the Bradley Observatory.