Our Fonts
Primary Fonts
The two approved primary type families for the Agnes Scott brand are Plantin and Gotham.
The Plantin family of fonts should in most cases be used with large amounts of "body copy." The more traditional use of the Gotham family of fonts are as headlines and subheads. These are general guidelines and can be revised to fit your particular needs.
- Plantin can be purchased online. Our office recommends purchasing the Plantin Complete Family Pack.
- Gotham can be purchased online. Our office recommends purchasing Gotham 1 at a cost of $199 per single user license. Departments may purchase multiple user licenses at a time, which will result in a drop in the price of individual user license.
Secondary Fonts
Trebuchet MS and Adobe Garamond are the two approved secondary fonts. If your department does not have the budget to purchase Plantin and Gotham, you may substitute their use with our secondary fonts. Trebuchet and Garamond are preloaded on to all of the college’s computers and require no extra purchase.
We recommend these fonts for use in email marketing, Word documents, PowerPoint, etc.