Our Logo
We offer the institutional logo in a variety of file formats and have provided information here to help you determine which format best suits your needs.
Logo Usage
When working with professional design software, or designers and printers, vector-based artwork is recommended to ensure a high quality result. Vector files will typically end in .ai or .eps. Vector files can be placed into professional design software including Adobe InDesign® and Adobe Illustrator®. Vectors can be enlarged without any loss of quality or resolution and work best for offset printing, silk-screening, and specialty item printing. If you do not have professional design software installed on your computer, you will probably not be able to open the file. Vector files can be set up as Pantone spot colors (one color printing, ex: business cards or letterhead), 4 color process printing (known as CMYK) or RGB/HEX (used when designing for digital spaces).
When working in applications like Word, PowerPoint®, Canva, etc. to create a small run of printed posters or flyers, you will want to use a .png file saved specifically for printing. Known as a raster image, .pngs have a transparent background allowing logos to be placed on top of images or solid colors without a white box appearing around the logo. These files cannot be enlarged without significant quality degradation and work well for printing on campus printers. When designing for print, make sure to use a file saved at print resolution (300 dpi - dots per inch) and saved in the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) color space.
When creating images that will ONLY be used digitally (web, social media, online presentations, etc.), you will want to use a .png saved specifically for digital use. Files saved for digital use will be 72 dpi and saved in the RGB (red, green, blue) color space. These files are suitable only for web or on-screen usage. These files cannot be enlarged without significant quality degradation and work well for web design and on-screen viewing. Attempting to print from these files will result in a poor quality, low resolution image.
Logo Downloads
Download the logo that best suits your needs.
Horizontal Logo

Vector: Vector PMS | Vector CMYK | Vector RGB | Vector Black | Vector White
Print: Print Color | Print White | Print Black
Digital: Digital Color | Digital White
Stacked Logo

Print: Stacked Print Color | Stacked Print White | Stacked Prink Black
Digital: Stacked Digital Color | Stacked Digital White